[Webinar] Navigating the Future of Global Media Trends and Developments

Join us as we explore how social media, AI, and other emerging technologies are driving the future media trends.

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Customer Support

Our helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly customer support team is on hand to offer help from Monday to Friday.

Depending on your package, you will usually receive a reply within 4-24 hours.

Send us a message

Before you raise any ticket we recommend you check out our Platform Status page for the most up to date platform issues and to stay informed.

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Falcon.io is now part of Brandwatch.
You're in the right place!

Existing customer?Log in to access your existing Falcon products and data via the login menu on the top right of the page.New customer?You'll find the former Falcon products under 'Social Media Management' if you go to 'Our Suite' in the navigation.

Paladin is now Influence.
You're in the right place!

Brandwatch acquired Paladin in March 2022. It's now called Influence, which is part of Brandwatch's Social Media Management solution.Want to access your Paladin account?Use the login menu at the top right corner.